Saturday, August 26, 2006

I gotta let it burn....

I have been in sick. I can't breath well.....
Today, I bought a bicycle. I wanted it from last year but never really had a chance to get one.

This is the best Steak House in N.Y. What they call it is Peter Luger!! It's in Brooklyn. You will see it on your right side after you pass Williamsburg Bridge.

I don't like American Stake so much because it's low loin and not as tasty as Japanese Beed such as Kobe Beef.

YEAH.... it's SO good. I coudn't stop eating until I had to suck its bone.
The sauce is also delicious. It is really fruity that kills the bloody taste of meat.

Of course, we tried New York Style Cheese Cake, which was also fantastic.

I know....... It's not cheap but worth it.
Remember they accepet only cash no credit card.

Friday, August 25, 2006

It hurts to lose.....

My class just started this week.
I moved in a new room that is newly furnished. The size of my room actually got smaller, especially the closet, but I have my own bathroom. I have to accept this sacrifice, don't I?
However, I also found that there is something I cannot sacrifice because it is not replaceable or it is the best I have.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Everything means nothing if I ain't got you.....

YUP. Only one week to enjoy New York.

I went out with Jill, who gose to the same school as tom's. She is half of Chinese and something....yeah Something....I guess Thai?
Anyway, I felt like going shopping and we went SOHO and East Village.
we didn't buy anything and just walking around, doing window shopping. I found there are so many shops and resturant I have never really seen although this is not my first time to go to SOHO. Actually, it is really nice that I could feel this way in the city. Since I came here, time flies. I didn't really have a chance to pay attention to those that don't catch my attention. But if I look into them, I found some of those are really interesting.



Thursday, August 17, 2006

Trust is overrated.....

Trust is fragile thing.
Once earned, it affords you tremedous freedom.
Once lost, it is impossible to recover.

I went to my friend's wedding hold in one of small town in Pennsylvania known for where invites around 12,ooo exchange students every year. It takes three hours all the way from Manhattan.....sigh.....

She was one of exchange students and is currently working in New York City, so she decided to have her wedding ceremony at host family's house.

This lucky guy is Aron from HongKong who has a killer smile as well as Jacky Chen does. He now works in United Nation.
It was really hot day and a lot of bug flying around us. However, everything was going so well thanks to their families and friends who organized the wedding by their own by the time something happened me.

What am I doing?

For those who are not familiar with American wedding ( I was one of them), the groom takes off garater on the bride and throws out to bachelors ( I was also one of them) while the bride throws a bouquet. Then, what happens is the guy who luckily gets garter gets a chance to put the garter on the girl who also luckily gets the bouquet.

YES!! I got the Garter!!!!!!

Yes, I am ready to marry for god's sake.

The Ending was, of course, Happy Wedding!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lebron James, tirador!

well.....people like's given.....

Good enough to eat.....

I have a new roommate and just found that she went outside, leaving her underwears hung in the bathroom.That is so disturbing my poop.
The other day, I went to Mitsuwa, used to be Yaohan.
I believe this is the biggest Japanese grocery store I have even seen in the U.S.
There is also a couple of Japanese restaurants located inside of the building.
I went to San Tou KA (山頭火)

I was so so so excited.......塩らー、塩らー、塩らー。
Those guys who live in Japan never know how lucky you are to eat noodles everyday!

And this is my friend, May. She controls 20% of our revenue. Yeah, I know I could do 21%........:P

Zoom in~~~!!

This is what I had. Well....The grass is always greener on the other side........

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The way of the Samurai

I already started missing New York where I can get everything I want.
Today, I went to Bikram Yoga. Although I couldn't do most of postures, I did enojoy.
I can feel good karama around me. Exhale....Inhale.......Oh my god, my back hurts!! How could they possibly do that?
Anyway, you should try if you have never done before.

This is all SAKE!! This is one reasons why I LUV NY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Remember, Remember the 5th of November......

Finally, I am done with my summer internship.
It's been almost three months.
During the internship, I had so many resaons to quit. But I just didn't want to do that.
I am not sure if I have gained any new techniques or skills but am sure that I have experienced so many things significantly important when I work after I graduate.
Now, I have so many things on my mind. There is only a week left before school starts. Clearly, it's not enough but I will see how this week will turn out.

Here is the time to introduce my roomy that just left for Taiwan last week.
He didn't know how to cook when I met him but in the end, he cooked awesome pasta for his girl after three hours cooking.

She eats my chocolate, whenever I leave.
Yeah, she is a gaining friend indeed.
OH! she's a getting thicker. All the way around.
Girls know hot to eat.

By Kazye West