Remember, Remember the 5th of November......
Finally, I am done with my summer internship.
It's been almost three months.
During the internship, I had so many resaons to quit. But I just didn't want to do that.
I am not sure if I have gained any new techniques or skills but am sure that I have experienced so many things significantly important when I work after I graduate.
Now, I have so many things on my mind. There is only a week left before school starts. Clearly, it's not enough but I will see how this week will turn out.

He didn't know how to cook when I met him but in the end, he cooked awesome pasta for his girl after three hours cooking.
She eats my chocolate, whenever I leave.
Yeah, she is a gaining friend indeed.
OH! she's a getting thicker. All the way around.
Girls know hot to eat.
By Kazye West
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