Touch the Sky
This is about a guy from JAPAN, who finished a MBA degree in the U.S. and moved to New York City for a new job....Just trying to experience things that nobody regularly update is promised...but promise to do my best with hope that I can share my extraordinary life with my friends.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Japan Culture Lab - Sushi
I was preparing for a Culture day presentation for Prof. Hewitt class.
This is funny.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Babe in the Woods
"Peter knew his way around junior high, but now in high school he's just a babe in the woods."
Meaning: a person who is inexperienced; a naive, rusting person
Back to Square one
"Our design for a solar-powered washing machine didn't work, so it's back t square one."
Meaning: return to the beginning because of a failure to accomplish the desired result
Backseat Driver
"I can fix this computer myself, but she always tries to be a backseat driver."
Meaning: a bossy person who tells another person what to do; a person who gives unwanted advice and direction."
Baker's Dozen
"At the garage sale, we charged 75 cents baseball card or $9 for a barker's dozen."
Meaning: thirteen of anything for the price of twelve
Bark is Worse than Your Bite
"The new director yells a lot, but her bark is worse than her bite."
Meaning: the way a person sounds is much more frighting than the way she or he acts; the threat is often worse than the action taken.
Bark Up the Wrong Tree
"Maria's uncle wanted to make her into magician, but he was barking up the wrong tree. Her brother, Juan, was the one who loved tricks."
Meaning: to direct your attention or efforts toward the wrong person or thing; to have the wrong idea about something
Monday, April 23, 2007
Spring Water.....
Asleep at the Switch
"Shelley lost her job because she was asleep at the switch"
Meaning: not to attending to one's job or failing to react quickly; not being alert
At the Drop of a Hat
"Olivia would have gone to the football game at the drop of a hat."
Meaning: right away; at once; without delay; willing at any moment
At the End of Your Rope
"I've tried everything, but nothing's worked. I am at the end of my rope."
Meaning: at the limit of your ability, endurance, or patience to do something
Ax to Grind
"Crystal always flatters me, but I think she has an ax to grind."
Meaning: something to gain for yourself for a selfish reason; flattery or trickery used to get a favor from another person."
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Air Your Dirty Laundry in Public
-My upstairs neighbors flight a lot and air their dirty laundry in public.
Meaning: to talk about your private disagreements or embarrassing matter in public, usually while quarreling.
Albatross around Your Neck
-Everywhere I go, my mother makes me take my little bratty sister. She's an albatross around my neck.
Meaning: a very difficult burden that you can't get rid of or a reminder of something you did that was wrong.
All Ears
-you said you had something important to tell me. I'm all ears.
Meaning: eager to listen, sharply attentive; curious
All Thumbs
-Macro can't the model of the atom for the science project. He's all thumbs.
Meaning: awkward and clumsy, especially with the hands
Ants in Your Pants
-You never sit still. You must have ants in your pants.
Meaning: extreme restlessness; overactivity
Apple of Your Eye
-Kareem is the apple of my eye.
Meaning: a person or thing that is greatly loved, treasured, and adored
As the Crow Flies
-Jennifer lives only a few blocks from school as the crow flies.
Meaning by the shortest and most direct route; measured in a straight, direct line between two places
Monday, April 16, 2007
yeah..but so what?
It's only a couple of hours away from here but so what?
It does not matter how far it is from where you live.
People forgot but it could happen everywhere in here.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
It's time to start....
After 20 hours sleeping, I finally started feeling doing something new...
I always had a couple of things I want to do. Let's get it started....
Ace up your Sleeve
"I don't know how Henry is going to get his mom to buy him a bike, but I am sure the has an ace up his sleeve"
A surprise or secret advantage, especially something tricky that is kept hidden until needed.
Achilles' Heel
"I am an A student in math and science, English is my Achilles' heel.
The one weakness, fault, flaw, or vulnerable spot in one's otherwise strong character.
Add Fuel to the Fire
"I was already angry with you, and when you forgot to pick me up, that really added fuel to the fire added to make fuel to the fire.
to make a bad situation worse; to do or say something that cuases more trouble, makes someone angrier.