there is FREE LUNCH

I had never enjoyed being Japanese this much. We had a couple of prospective students all the way from Japan to take interviews. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. But this is what I did.
Anway, anytime we have prospective students visiting campus, we can have free lunch because the school gave us $15 each. That's enough for lunch. Last time, Mitsu bought a pie. He ate only two pieces and then brought them back for the following day's breakfast. Why is it not for dinner? Because we had free dinner as well. There is a group traveling to Japan in Spring break. So we were invited to give those students opportunity to talk with Japanese.
One day, prof Gibson, one of my favorite professors, told me in class there is no free lunch. But, obvioulsy, IT IS.
P.S. Minori, as I told you, this is "copy and paste" from your blog.
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