Monday, December 12, 2005

One Fourth -Survivor-

Finally, Final Fiance has been done today.
Since this semester has started, I have experieced so many things. Most of them were new to me like my new car. I even got car accident...
I spend most of well almost all in school. Now, I am getting back my grades, which are turning out so much worse than they were supposed to be. Jean, my teammate, always encourages me that I am doing well because this is my first time to study in the U.S. I think she is right. And, Daisuke, second year student, told me that he was struggling as well although this is not frist time for me to study and gave me advice that I need to be more patient. Perhaps, I focus on result a little bit too much. For me, process is more important now. In fact, I am still not sure what I should do.... I hope after winter break I can come to find something I should do or making me crazy about.

This is when my classmates and I were invited to Akira's house and had chirstmas dinner.
They are all Japanese...well I am not sure if Kathy is.. but I guess she is because Aki told me that thier son is Japanese.

This guy is Turab. He is a second year student... well he was. He is going to INSED from next year. One of W&M's feature is the average of students' age. Despite of his youth, he has experiened so many things. I forgot to ask him about one question that he has experienced more things than we have or they are just different from ours.

Team 13 where Irene belongs to just came back from dinner with EPs and got me here, one of studying room in blow. It is wired that I am still here because we have just finished this semester. They told me that there is a party going on in Joseph's place. We all are pary animals~~~

Friday, December 09, 2005

360 from LEad

Something serious, I had lunch with my career coach Chrisy at A Carroll's. (Why do they need to put A? when I asked My teammate the location, he corrected it.... ) It was pretty nice lunch though. I had steak sandwiches.
That was the frist meeting for us. This is part of career program the school assigned.
Basically, what we do is to talk about my career.
Well... the problem is that I haven't improved at all. I was kindda happy these days because I am going to back to Japan.
It's a good chance to give myself 360 feedback. I think I am getting used to studying in this school and have no problem with my life out of school as I spend most of time in school.
But I just realized this is not my first thing to do.
I am here for my career. Suddenly, I remeber that Japanese second year students were talking about something this school. There are many people spending their time for school and will have ended up with nothing for their career. This might be true, or exactly what I am doing.
looking back , I have done since I had come here. Probably, some said I improved a lot in terms of language or some acadmic skills. In the meantime, I think nothing has changed for my career. I am still lazy. Or there might be no need for me to of changing.
Anyway, the lunch was a good chance of being isolated from school and thinking about myself.
Now, I am thinking I do want to stay and work here after I get of the school.
PeAcE OuT for My Future. Failure is not my F**king Option.

She is Vicky from Russia.
I had no picture to post so I just run into her studying room and snapped her.

"Tom Cruise is getting out of the closet" from South Park

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dip it Low

Finally, I am done with Accounting Final.
I slept a lot last night but I am still tired a little bit.
This is just beginning. there is a long way to go.....

This picuture is taken right after the 6 hours Accuting final.
It was the hardest exam I have ever seen.

The MBA ballet team in the lounge. (Andrey~Jean~Chris~Ernest~Joseph)